Archivos: Players

Daren Difiore

Player Name Tournament GSCA RegionalAll State MajorLLT Trophy Achievements 5 Reignited their northern league title defence with Sunday's incredible Almeria victory. Goals 6 Achievements 9 The genius shrugged off past despairs to play a pivotal role and he can be backed to continue his fine form.. Goals 4 Achievements 7 Anthony Bis’ side are 4-2 to claim their third Northern Cup in four years with Europa Utd. rated between 4-2 and 3-1. Goals 5

Elijah Zenetti

It’s Cool to be Calm Might just be that, as Elijah goes pretty deep into midfield as well sometimes, particularly when we’re having trouble creating. That might also just be because he sometimes plays like a winger though. Guess Opponents Move Always be on the move and watch where your marker is. Vary your movement – run in behind and then come short, or vice-versa. Make your marker feel uncomfortable by running into areas where they don’t want to go. The key is to get a bit of space so you can look for the pass or run with the

Marcel Essien

RECORDS Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem excepturi ex quo similique omnis ullam hic dolor eum iste officia tempora voluptas, maxime ab ratione fugiat libero nam. Voluptates, dignissimos. TLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem excepturi ex quo similique omnis ullam hic dolor eum iste officia tempora voluptas, maxime ab ratione fugiat libero nam. Voluptates, dignissimos.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem excepturi ex quo similique omnis ullam hic dolor eum iste officia tempora voluptas, maxime ab ratione fugiat libero nam. Voluptates, dignissimos. HISTORY Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

Jansen Foucault

Freeze the Goalkeeper! Europa legend Henry Johannsson said: "There are spectacular players like Marco. But if you see a guy like Jansen, who controls the ball and manages the pace of the game, he is also a great player, but totally different from Marco. Quick mind, Quick feet. Capture Opponent’s Momentum. “The freezing technique works for defenders as well as goalkeepers. It enables you to work space for a shot on goal. A defender can think they’ve stopped you and then bang – in a flash, you’re away and you’ve scored. I was fortunate enough to be quick, but Jansen was the...

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